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i. Installations

This section covers all the essential installations required to embark on the exciting journey of secondary development for our cobot using ROS2. Here's what you'll set up:
a. Ubuntu
b. ROS2 Humble
c. ROS2 Moveit
d. ROS2 RViz

Dive into the steps below and get your system ready for the ultimate development experience!

a. Ubuntu

Step 1: Overview

  • Purpose: Guide to install Ubuntu alongside or replacing Windows.
  • Requirements:
    1. A laptop or PC with at least 25GB of free storage.

    2. A USB flash drive (12GB or more).

    3. Ubuntu ISO file (e.g., Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or latest version).

    4. Software to create a bootable USB (e.g., Rufus for Windows).

    5. Internet connection (recommended).

Step 2: Download Ubuntu Image

  1. Visit the official Ubuntu website.
  2. Select the version (e.g., Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) and download the ISO file.

Step 3: Create a Bootable USB Stick

  1. Install Rufus (or similar tool) on your Windows laptop.
  2. Insert your USB flash drive and open Rufus.
  3. Select your downloaded ISO file.
  4. Choose the USB drive and click "Start" or "Flash!" to create the bootable USB.

Step 4: Boot from USB Flash Drive

  1. Insert the USB drive into the laptop where you want to install Ubuntu.
  2. Restart the laptop and enter the boot menu:
    • Hold F12, F2, or Esc during startup (varies by manufacturer).
  3. Select the USB drive as the boot device.

Step 5: Installation Setup

  1. After booting, select your language.
  2. Configure accessibility options if needed.
  3. Choose your keyboard layout and connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Step 6: Try or Install Ubuntu

  1. You will be given two options:
    • Try Ubuntu: Test without installing.

    • Install Ubuntu: Proceed with installation.

Step 7: Installation Type

  1. Choose the type of installation:
    • Erase disk and install Ubuntu: Replaces all data on the selected drive.
    • Install alongside Windows: Dual-boot setup.
    • Manual Partitioning: Advanced users only.
  2. Select third-party software installation (e.g., Nvidia drivers) for better performance.

Step 8: Create Your Login Details

  1. Enter your name, computer name, username, and a strong password.
  2. Decide if you want to log in automatically or require a password.

Step 9: Choose Your Location

  1. Select your timezone on the map or enter it manually.
  2. Click "Continue."

Step 10: Ready to Install

  1. Review your installation settings and confirm.
  2. Click "Install Now" to begin.

Step 11: Complete the Installation

  1. The installation process will begin. A slideshow will show Ubuntu features.
  2. Once completed, you’ll be prompted to remove the USB stick and restart the computer.
  3. After rebooting:
    • If you enabled encryption, enter your password.

    • Log in using your account credentials.

Step 12: Update Ubuntu

  1. After logging in, ensure your system is updated:
    • Open the "Software Updater" app.
    • Alternatively, use the terminal:
      sudo apt update 
      sudo apt upgrade

For more information, visit .

b. ROS2 Humble

Step 1: Verify System Requirements

Ensure the following:

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) is required for ROS 2 Humble.
  • Architecture: 64-bit system.
  • Storage: At least 10 GB free for installation.
  • Internet: A stable connection for downloading dependencies.

Step 2: Update and Upgrade Ubuntu

After installing Ubuntu, update and upgrade the system:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 3: Install Development Tools

Install essential development tools:

sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake git curl gnupg lsb-release

Step 4: Add the ROS 2 GPG Key

Download and authorize the ROS 2 GPG key:

sudo curl -sSL https:/\/ -o /usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg

Step 5: Add the ROS 2 Repository

Add the ROS 2 repository to your system:

echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2.list > /dev/null

Step 6: Update Package Index

Refresh the package index to include the ROS 2 repository:

sudo apt update

Step 7: Install ROS 2 Humble

You can install different variants of ROS 2 based on your needs:

  1. Desktop Version (includes GUI tools like RViz):
    sudo apt install -y ros-humble-desktop
  2. ROS Base (minimal installation without GUI tools):
    sudo apt install -y ros-humble-ros-base
  3. Development Tools (if building from source or developing custom packages):
    sudo apt install -y python3-colcon-common-extensions python3-rosdep python3-vcstool

Step 8: Install and Initialize rosdep

rosdep is a dependency management tool for ROS.

  1. Install rosdep:
    sudo apt install -y python3-rosdep
  2. Initialize and update rosdep:
 sudo rosdep init
rosdep update

Step 9: Environment Setup

You need to source the ROS 2 environment script in every new terminal to use ROS 2 commands.

  1. Add the following line to your shell configuration file (e.g., . bashrc for Bash):
     echo "source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc 
  2. Apply the changes:
    source ~/.bashrc 

Step 10: Verify Installation

Check if ROS 2 Humble is installed correctly by running:

ros2 --version

Step 11: Test ROS 2 Installation

Run a basic example to verify that ROS 2 is working.

  1. Open a terminal and start a talker node:
    ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
  2. Open another terminal and start a listener node:
    ros2 run demo_nodes_py listener
    You should see messages being exchanged between the talker and listener, indicating that ROS 2 is functioning correctly.

Step 12: Optional Installations

  1. Gazebo Simulator:
    sudo apt install ros-humble-gazebo-ros-pkgs 
  2. RViz for Visualization: (Installed with the desktop version, otherwise):
    sudo apt install ros-humble-rviz2 
  3. MoveIt 2 for Motion Planning:
    sudo apt install ros-humble-moveit 

Additionally :

  • Explore the official ROS 2 Tutorials.
  • Set up a workspace to create your own packages:
    mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
    cd ~/ros2_ws
    colcon build
    source install/setup.bash  ```

For more information, visit .

c. ROS2 Moveit

System Requirements

  • Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 is recommended for MoveIt 2. If you're using an older version like Ubuntu 18.04, consider upgrading as MoveIt 2 support may be limited.
  • ROS 2 must be properly installed and sourced (you've already done this).
    ROS 2 Distribution
    MoveIt 2 supports several ROS 2 distributions. Verify that your ROS 2 distribution is compatible with the MoveIt 2 release you want to use. Commonly supported distributions:
  • Humble for Ubuntu 22.04
  • Foxy for Ubuntu 20.04
    You can check your ROS 2 version:
    ros2 --version

Step 1: Install Build Tools

Ensure you have tools for building ROS 2 packages:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake git python3-colcon-common-extensions

Step 2: Install ROS 2 Dependencies

Install core dependencies for MoveIt 2:

sudo apt install -y python3-rosdep python3-vcstool

If you haven't initialized rosdep earlier, do it now:

sudo rosdep init
rosdep update

3. Installing MoveIt 2

Option 1: Install Pre-Built MoveIt 2 Binaries

This is the easiest way to install MoveIt 2.

  1. Add the ROS 2 apt repository (you may have already done this during ROS 2 installation):
    sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg
  2. Install the MoveIt 2 package: For Humble:
    sudo apt install ros-humble-moveit 
  3. Verify the installation:
    ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials

Option 2: Build MoveIt 2 from Source

If you want to customize MoveIt 2 or if a binary isn't available for your ROS 2 version.

  1. Set up a workspace:
    mkdir -p ~/moveit2_ws/src  
    cd ~/moveit2_ws
  2. Clone the MoveIt 2 repositories: Use the cpp vcstool to fetch the MoveIt 2 source code:
    wget https:/\/
    vcs import src < moveit2.repos
  3. Install dependencies: Use rosdep to install required dependencies:
     rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y 
  4. Build the workspace: Build the MoveIt 2 workspace using colcon:
    colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release 
  5. Source the workspace: After building, source your workspace:
    source install/setup.bash 

4. Additional Software

Install MoveIt Setup Assistant

The MoveIt Setup Assistant helps you configure a robot for motion planning:

sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-moveit-setup-assistant 

Launch it:

ros2 launch moveit_setup_assistant 

5. Verify MoveIt 2 Installation

Run a demo to ensure MoveIt 2 is working properly:

ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials 

You should see the RViz interface with a sample robot model loaded. Explore the motion planning tools and visualize planning in RViz.

6. Next Steps

  1. Learn MoveIt 2 Basics: Follow the MoveIt 2 tutorials to learn:

    • Robot setup.
    • Motion planning pipelines.
    • Integrating sensors.
    • Creating custom motion planning applications.
  2. Connect to a Physical Robot: If you are working with a physical robot, use the MoveIt Setup Assistant to configure it for motion planning.

  3. Simulate Robots in Gazebo: Integrate MoveIt 2 with Gazebo to simulate robots in virtual environments.

    For more information, visit .

d. ROS2 Rviz

Step 1: Install ROS 2

Before installing RViz, ensure that ROS 2 is installed on your system.

  1. Choose a ROS 2 Distribution: Select the desired version of ROS 2 (e.g., Humble, Foxy, Galactic). Each version includes RViz as a package or allows you to install it separately.

  2. Follow ROS 2 Installation Guide:

  3. Verify ROS 2 Installation:

    source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash
    ros2 --version

Step 2: Install RViz

RViz is included as part of the ROS 2 desktop installation or can be installed separately as a package.

Option 1: Install Full ROS 2 Desktop

This option includes RViz along with other essential tools.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-<distro>-desktop

Replace <distro> with your ROS 2 distribution name (e.g., humble, foxy).

Option 2: Install RViz Individually

If you prefer installing only RViz, use the following command:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-<distro>-rviz2

Step 3: Verify the Installation

After installation, verify that RViz has been installed correctly.

  1. Source the Setup File:
    source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash

This ensures your environment is configured for ROS 2.

  1. Run RViz:
    ros2 run rviz2 rviz2

If RViz launches successfully, you will see its graphical interface with a 3D visualization window, a panel for Displays, and other UI components.

Step 4: Resolve Common Issues

If you encounter issues, check the following:

  1. Ensure Dependencies Are Installed: Install dependencies such as Qt and OpenGL libraries. Use the following commands:

    sudo apt install qtbase5-dev
    sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev
  2. Fix Missing Source: Ensure that the setup.bash file is sourced every time a terminal is opened. Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:

    source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash
  3. Verify ROS 2 Environment: Check the ROS_DISTRO variable:

    echo $ROS_DISTRO

    Ensure it matches the version you installed.

  4. Check for Updates: Update and upgrade your system to ensure compatibility:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

Step 5: Optional: Build RViz from Source

If you want to customize RViz or use an experimental version, you can build it from source.

  1. Set Up a Workspace:

    mkdir -p ~/rviz_ws/src
    cd /rviz_ws
  2. Clone the RViz Source Code:

    git clone https:/\/ src/rviz
  3. Install Dependencies:

    sudo apt update
    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  4. Build the Workspace:

    colcon build
  5. Source the Workspace:

    source install/setup.bash
  6. Run RViz:

    ros2 run rviz2 rviz2

    For more information, visit .